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Innovative & Diverse Solutions

At Engena, we excel in providing expert consulting services for a diverse range of renewable energy technologies. Our extensive experience spans the initial development phases of green hydrogen generation, the coordination of commercial EV charging stations, and the support of rapid response gas-fuelled generation projects. We address all critical site considerations, ensuring sustainable and efficient solutions tailored to guide your renewable energy projects from conception to completion, leveraging our expertise to drive innovative and environmentally responsible outcomes.


We have supported the initial development phases of green hydrogen generation from solar power in the south west of England. Power from a solar farm would be used to electrically split water in to hydrogen and oxygen with the hydrogen being compressed and stored in trailers to be taken off site to users of the gas such as a HGV fuelling station.

Alternatively hydrogen powered HGVs could be refuelled on the site of green hydrogen generation.

Site considerations included access, waste water emissions, landscape, noise and ecology.

EV Charging

Engena has co-ordinated the development and consenting of commercial EV charging stations as part of integrated solar and wind energy hubs. The green power generation from the sites would contribute to power used charging EVs. The sites had integrated cafe facilities.

Location, road traffic flows and potential junction design were constraints considered at the outset.

The first is in operation and played host to the EV Rally in July 2024.

Rapid response generation

To support the national electrical grid system with rapid response gas fuelled generation, Engena has supported the development of a number of gas engines located at strategic points on the network - providing power within a few minutes of need should a fault occur on the network or sudden increases in demand occur.

Key considerations included Green Belt, noise and ecological impacts as well as air quality, heritage and landscape - all vital to address given the very specific spatial requirements of the sites.

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