
Government Policy Statement on Onshore Wind Generation

The UK government has released a policy statement indicating a strong commitment to expanding onshore wind energy as part of its clean power mission. Effective from 8 July 2024, the policy removes the de facto ban on onshore wind developments that has been in place since 2015. This revision in planning policy means that onshore wind projects will now be assessed under the same criteria as other energy developments within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Previously, planning approval for onshore wind projects was subject to stringent conditions that limited development to areas specifically designated in local plans or through community-supported initiatives. These conditions have now been lifted, simplifying the approval process for new projects. The government will further integrate these changes into an upcoming NPPF update, reflecting its broader strategy to accelerate renewable energy development.

In addition to these changes, the government plans to consult on including large onshore wind projects in the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project regime, streamlining their approval process. An updated Community Benefits Protocol will also be published, ensuring that local communities benefit from hosting renewable energy infrastructure.

This policy shift is a crucial step towards achieving the UK’s renewable energy targets, supporting high-skilled jobs, reducing energy bills, and tackling the climate crisis.
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