Bloy’s Grove Solar Farm

Location :
South of Norwich, Norfolk
Client :
EDF Renewables
Project Parameters :
49.9MWp Solar Farm
Project Description :

Engena was involved with the Bloy’s Grove Solar Farm from the early stages of development. We built relationships with the landowner and Local Planning Authority and submitted requests for Pre-Application Advice, Screening and Scoping to South Norfolk District Council.

As part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Engena assisted with public consultations including online webinars, in person parish meetings and site visits with local residents. The project faced several potentially limiting constraints including existing utilities infrastructure through the site, the adjacent railway line and local heritage. Engena collated the assessment findings to develop the site design and reported all matters in an Environmental Statement (ES).

Planning permission was granted by the Council’s Development Management Committee in June 2022. Since this time, Engena has supported EDF Renewables with ongoing assessments, particularly with regard to cultural heritage and highways matters, and for planning condition discharge ahead of construction which is planned to start in 2025.

Alongside the solar farm application Engena has prepared a planning application for grid connection of the project to the Norwich South National Grid substation.

Notable Achievements :

Successful consultations with the local community.

Agreed trial trenching post determination.

Persisted to achieve feasible construction route accepted by the Highways officer.

Technology :
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