Bucklesham Solar

Location :
East of Ipswich, Suffolk
Client :
Project Parameters :
50MW Solar Farm
Project Description :

The Engena team was commissioned to identify preferred fields within an extensive landholding outside of Ipswich, to then take through to planning consent.

We supported the evolution of the site design, undertook EIA screening and scoped and managed the environmental assessments for the Environmental Report which accompanied the planning application. We also co-ordinated a considerable programme of public engagement, addressing the concerns of immediate neighbours and the neighbouring Parish.

The site was highly sensitive in terms of Saxon archaeology being close to the Saxon Sutton Hoo burial site. A surface-mounted foundation design was agreed to avoid impacts upon archaeology. As former rare heathland habitat, the site was also found to be home to miner bees restricted to the heath habitat. A unique ecological enhancement plan was developed to protect the miner bee habitat.

Engena is proud to have achieved a local consent through delegated powers for this site through a constructive and supportive relationship established with the Planning Officer.

Notable Achievements :

Delegated positive decision on the edge of the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Trenching in an otherwise very sensitive location avoided. Positive local engagement.

Technology :
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