Checkley Wood Wind Energy

Location :
Central Bedfordshire, on land adjacent to the operational Double Arches Wind Turbine
Client :
Arnold White Estates
Project Parameters :
1.5MW Vensys VE87 Wind Turbine (143.5m to tip)
Project Description :

Having supported Arnold White Estates to resolve issues with planning conditions at the neighbouring Double Arches wind turbine, the Engena team was commissioned to achieve planning consent for a turbine on adjacent land at Checkley Wood Quarry.

We proceeded with detailed site design, screening and environmental assessments for the Environmental Report which accompanied the planning application.

Following submission, support was provided throughout the determination of the project where the team resolved cumulative noise, visual and heritage concerns and presented to members of the planning committee. Engena is proud to have achieved local consent for our client, particularly given the large scale of the turbine, located within green belt. In addition the planning submission was post-publication of the governmental Written Ministerial Statement on onshore wind.

Despite significant objection to the project, Engena were able to demonstrate full compliance with all aspects of this restrictive statement.

Notable Achievements :

Tallest onshore wind turbine to be built in England.

Consent in the Green Belt.

Amplitude Modulation objections managed.

WMS issues fully addressed.

Technology :
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