Felixstowe Capacity Market Infrastructure

Location :
Port of Felixstowe, Suffolk
Client :
Conrad Energy Limited
Project Parameters :
10MW (4 x 2.5MW) Gas Fuelled Electricity Generators
Project Description :

As part of a suite of applications prepared for Conrad Energy Limited, Engena provided the full planning application package, including the Planning Statement for a 10MW gas-fired standby generation facility at the Port of Felixstowe.

The generation facility will provide energy at times of peak electricity demand, through the UK Capacity Market. With the decline of large scale fossil-fuelled generation and a significant increase in renewable capacity on the grid, this project addresses the need for standby generation which is brought on-line during times of high consumer demand, and low renewables generation.

Notable Achievements :

Careful and precise application preparation to meet the pressing needs of the Capacity Auction process.

Technology :
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