Wansbeck Blyth Harbour Wind Farm (Blyth Harbour re-powering)

Location :
Blyth Harbour, Northumberland
Client :
Hainsforth Energy Blyth Harbour Limited
Project Parameters :
Six Repower MM92 wind turbines (125m to tip), total capacity of 18MW & One Repower 5M wind turbine (163m to tip), total capacity of 5MW
Project Description :

Engena was pivotal in supporting Hainsforth Energy Blyth Harbour Limited to achieve planning consent for one of the first wind farm re-powering projects in the UK.

Consented at local level, the project involved a Environmental Impact Assessment to replace nine 300kW, 43m to tip turbines, with six 3MW, 125m to tip turbines and one 5MW, 163m to tip turbine.

This remains the UK’s tallest on-shore wind turbine planning consent.

Presently, one of the old turbines has been replaced with a 3.4MW turbine, an increase in capacity from 3.0MW, secured through an amendment to the planning application. The remaining elements of the consent will be completed following security of additional grid capacity.

Notable Achievements :

163m consented onshore turbine in an urban/semi offshore environment.

Technology :
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