Whitefield of Dunn

Location :
Near Brechin, Angus
Client :
Private Landowner
Project Parameters :
Single Enercon E44 wind turbine (67m to tip), total capacity of 500kW
Project Description :

Developed for a farming family to complement their farming practice. Engena screened the project with Angus Council to determine that the project would not require an Environmental Impact Assessment.

An Environmental Report was produced, based upon a series of assessments including landscape, ecology and noise. Our scope of work also included the site design, identification of the access route, and management of the project throughout the determination process and discharge of planning conditions. Particular attention was required with regard to surveys for pink footed geese, due to the proximity of the site to the Montrose Basin.

Consented at local level, through the Officers delegated authority, the turbine entered operation in December 2014.

Notable Achievements :

Pragmatic consideration of ecology to avoid impacts upon pink footed geese.

Technology :
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